Beginning in April 2024, we will hold in-person worship services on the first, second, and third Sundays of every month.

Adult Discipleship

 It is true that people who believe in Jesus Christ alone as their only hope for salvation love Him?  There is, however, a gap between this love and the maturity that occurs in our faith through discipleship.  The result is many believers who lack deep maturity.  Somehow some don't take the time to grow in this area or think it is important.  Discipleship is a life long process because we are life long projects in need of regular maintainence and building.

Also, we must properly handle God's Word (2 Timothy 2:15).  Our discipleship classes are created with you in mind, believers who are passionate about God, His Word and His people.  Join us for any of the listed opportunites for discipleship.

Click below for more details:

Sunday Morning Discipleship Classes 

(Emotionally Healthy Spirituality, Sunday's @ 10:00 am)

(Sunday School:  Sunday's at 10:20 am)

Wednesday Evening Discipleship Class (Basic Theology Wednesday's @ 7:00 pm) 


For more details call the church office at 773.672.7230 or email,