Beginning in April 2024, we will hold in-person worship services on the first, second, and third Sundays of every month.

Before You Hit the Wall...


  • There is hope available for you right now!
  • Talk to someone (Our preference is someone who has a mature relationship with Christ)
  • We don't know what you are going through but we do have some answers to situations which seem to drive people further into darkness

Know that Christ is your first step

  • You and your situation are unique yet you are loved by God and you are why Jesus came to this earth. 
  • Regardless of where you are in life you were born on this earth as someone who is in complete opposition to God (It doesn't matter which family you were born into or what your parents did for you as a baby) but God can fix it.
  • Peace with God is what you need and that can only be accomplished through Jesus Christ who gave His life so that you may live
  • Admit that your life was born and has continued to be in opposition to God - something you didn't have anything to do with yet are powerless to change.
  • Believe in Jesus as the only way to be rescued from that terminal spiritual state and you will be saved
  • Jesus gave His life so that you would not be forever separated from God and live in opposition to Him.
  • Your peace with God can be acomplished through a simple prayer to Him by admitting your sinfulness, asking for forgiveness and accepting Jesus as your Savior.

Get Connected with a Church

  • A good church is a place where God exists in the loving unity of three divine persons (Father, Son and Holy Spirit), Jesus Christ is acknowledged as the only way to salvation, the Bible is believed, taught and preached as infallible, and believers are expected to live lives in harmony with Christ.
  • In this church you will also find fellow brothers and sisters in the faith who will be able to assist you in many ways
  • One of the marks of a faithful believer is one who recognizes the importance of being among other believers on a regular basis.  This is one of the things that helps to make us strong.

Read the Bible

  • Start with the book of John.  The book of Romans is also another good one.  If you don't have one contact us by email ( and we will assist you in this important quest


  • Ask God to help you make the right decisions as you wade through this process of faith
  • In prayer also remember to ask the Lord to help you through the difficult situation you find yourself in today. 
  • If you are not used to praying know that God hears you.
  • If you have somehow lost hope know God still hears you and continues to love you.
  • In either case you must believe and even ask the Lord to make your belief in Him stronger
  • If you want someone to pray with you let us know and we will.

 Life can be tough at times and there is no question about it.  But right when we are our weakest is the point when we become the strongest through Jesus Christ.  If you need to connect or a recommendation on a church please let us know.  There is hope!

Blk Man Sketch